

Cells is a programming language. From it's code it is more likely to be called as an Esolang. That is also true because it might be a bit complex.

The code is written in one line. Technically, one line but in cells. We can also say that one line divided into multiple segments otherwise multiple lines merged into one line.

Cells is an open-source programming language. It was originally made in python(3.9) and within about 200-204 lines initially. Cells was created Attachment Aditya in the year 2021, month May plus within 3-4 days and progress of 1-3 hours per day. The records are also present in YouTube.

In Cells, biological terms related to cells are majorly used. The segments of the single-line code are called cells and these cells are divided by colons(":").


Hello, Cells


Truth Machine

Super Command(Contains All Syntax)


Terms Description
: End declaration of cells. Declares the cell has ended and continue with next one.
text Text can be collection of any type of characters.
num Num is an integer value.
float Floats are integers in decimal form. Floats are used as strings where float value is not accepted.
Species Species are variables.
Characteristics Characteristics are values of species.

Syntax Description
exocytosis [Text:text]: Outputs [Text:text] on console.
>: Stops the processing of code.
regulate ^ [Cell:num]: Iterates continues from cell numbered as [Cell:num]
skip [Amount:num]: Skips [Amount:num] amount of cells after current cell.
nomenclate [Name:text] < [Value:num/text]: Creates a species(variable) with name [Name:text] and initially characteristics(value) set to [Value:num/text]
[Species Name:text] < [Value:num/text]: Sets characteristics of species named [Species Name:text] to [Value:num/text]
endocytosis [Species Name:text]: Takes input and sets value of species named [Species Name:text] to input.
grow [Species Name:text],[Value:num/text]: Updates species named [Species Name:text] such that is value [Value:num/text] is num then adds to value otherwise concatinates.
eject [Species Name:text],[Value:num/text]: Updates species named [Species Name:text] such that is value [Value:num/text] is num then it gets subtracted from value otherwise removes text with same value from value of species, if any.
multinucleate [Species Name:text],[Value:num/text]: Updates species named [Species Name:text] such that is value [Value:num/text] is num then multiplies to value otherwise concatinates.
mitosis [Species Name:text],[Value:num/text]: Updates species named [Species Name:text] such that is value [Value:num/text] is num then it gets divided from value otherwise removes text with same value from value of species, if any.
fuse [Species Name:text],[Value:num/float/text]: Updates species named [Species Name:text] such that is value [Value:num/float/text] is num/float then multiplies to value in form of floats otherwise concatinates.
meiosis [Species Name:text],[Value:num/float/text]: Updates species named [Species Name:text] such that is value [Value:num/float/text] is num/float then it gets divided from value in form of floats otherwise removes text with same value from value of species, if any.
>exit0> Exit code to quit the program. Should be used as whole line.

*Any text in square brackets("[]") mean it is the user input and in main code square brackets("[]") are not required. User inputs are in form of "[Name:Type]" here. Other than that data types(text and num) can be represented with variables as well. Anything not inside square brackets("[]") is syntax and is necessary to write.


Main credits goes to Attachment Aditya. The original program runs on python. A few code editors were used, Graviton(Main Scripting) and Sublime Text 3(For Few Final Edits + Web Site). GitHub was used to establish this page and carry open-source. Distributions, Promotions and Sources not included, but could be found on the videos published on YouTube. No work was done off-camera(Other than handling crashes in OS while coding, it just happened once and it started to hibernate). Special thanks to Audience for showing interest.